Somebody’s picking on my best friend!

Misc–karmic mistakes?

Denise had the audacity to say in a recent blog that a conservative pundit shouldn’t bash McCain’s daughter on her weight (basically–you want to talk about issues, right?). Well, now some “John Doe” is calling my BFF a “fat dyke” and threatening to bitchslap her.

I know there are rude, thoughtless people on all sides of politics, but I have to say that I don’t know how Republicans think they’re going to recruit with attitudes like that. (I know–his overt position wasn’t to recruit, but what’s the point in refusing to dialogue? Isn’t the whole point to put yourself in a position where the opponent might see it your way?) (And yes, it does bother me when people from my side of issues make asses of themselves, as people then judge me by their behavior.)

You can read it all here:

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