Dr. Karma

cropped-your_image.pngDr. Karma lives and teaches and writes in Northern California. She writes about her successes and failures (the failures are mostly in dating and in figuring out how to treat chronic medical stuff) here for her friends and is surprised that anyone else reads this. She has three cats and a son (aka The Boy), who lives at home and goes to college nearby.

Most of her writing is academic, but it’s on awesomely geeky topics like Doctor Who, The X Files, and Star Trek. She is an expert on The Simpsons, stand-up comedy, and Margaret Atwood. Her work has been featured at ComicCons and on NPR.

When asked what she does in her spare time, she looks at you blankly. Spare time happens to other people, you see. Partly, this is because she turns everything she loves into work (see above); it’s also because she works too much. However, she’ll then remember that she travels, sees movies and stand-up and plays, and has people over for book group (weekly since 2004) and tv night every week. Then, she’ll remember that she mainly travels for work, that she writes about movies and stand-up and plays, that the book group started as a work thing, and that she always ends up writing about the tv stuff too.

But then she’ll remember that being a foodie and an amateur chef isn’t part of work yet. And she’ll exclaim, “I go wine tasting too!”

More information about her work is available here and here.