The Continuing Adventures of Karma’s OnLine Dating: Entry 4


A brief story, from several weeks ago:
A man “met” me online. He never actually asked me out, but he would ask how my day was, what my plans were for the weekend, etc. I would tell him what I did that day, what I was going to do (grade, see friends, etc).
At one point, he wrote, “You seem pretty busy. Too busy for a new man in your life. 🙁 ”
[That sounded a little whiny.]
Me: Well, I am a busy person–I don’t sit around twiddling my thumbs. But when someone asks me out, I make the time to see him. I’ve been able to make time for a few dates this week, in fact.

That was his last message.

So you meet a woman on a dating site, but then you get offended that she’s dating?
Wow. Thanks for the heads-up that you’re insecure!

2 comments… add one
  • terrible student Aug 4, 2015 Link

    you could respond with “You thought I meant romantic dates? I was talking about these dates I bought at the grocery store- they’re delicious.” haha

  • terrible student Aug 4, 2015 Link

    I also think theres only one way to ask someone if they want a kiss, and it involves having Hershey’s Kisses in one’s pocket.

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