Continuing Adventures in OnLine Dating: 83


I just don’t even know what to say about this one. Here’s the entire conversation:

Him: Very nice!
Love your hair and that lovely smile too!
Care to chat?

Me: Hi, Sean.
I’m about to head out to a physical therapy appointment (for TMJ).
You are very cute, but Napa is pretty far away to try to have a relationship. I only manage to get out there once or twice a year.

Him: I am moving to sac.:)
text me…[redacted]

Me: When are you moving?

Him: end of the year 

Text me [redacted] let’s meet tonight

Me: I don’t agree to meet people without knowing something about them–there have to be a few messages with some content first.
And I’m on my computer more than my phone (I’m working), so texting wouldn’t make anything go faster. What are the things we have in common?

Him: I just want to get together and have some fun is hard as it is this online dating thing so if you’re interested text me and let’s meet

Me: If we met at a bar, you’d have to talk to me for a few minutes to get my number and a date. Why is that so odd to want here?

Him: I’m not here to negotiate why how where and when I just want to meet women and have fun…

Me: Ok–I think we are on here for different reasons then–or at least with different dating styles. I wish you luck in your search. I hope you find a beautiful and spontaneous woman! Have a great rest of your day!

Him: K

[Ten minutes later.]

Him: Do you have any knowledge with electric cars and hybrid

Me: Just that they exist.

Him: I’m sure you’re aware of their basic efficiency lost in every one of their component… an average of 10% or so

Me: No–I’m not into cars, so I don’t know much about any make/model.

Him: And maybe I could pick your head over it

I’m all about the efficiency and need second brain

Me: I don’t like or care about cars, though. So I’m not interested in talking about them.

I’m still not certain what went on here. Is he on the spectrum, or did he think I would find an electric car conversation alluring enough to agree to a date? Or both?

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