2019 Aspirations

Misc–karmic mistakes?

I don’t make resolutions–if I did, breaking them would be just another thing to beat myself up about (like most Americans, I have a negative running commentary that tells me I’m too fat, that I’m not kind enough, that I don’t work hard enough (that one is insane, considering how much I work), etc.).

But I have aspirations.

I want to try more new recipes. My goal is at least four a month.

I want to discover new music. You, dear reader, can help me with that.

I want to watch more stand-up comedy. My goal is at least two new specials a month.

I want to buy more things second-hand. This is hard, because I hate shopping in the first place, so jumping on the internet for exactly what I want is much easier.

I want to be less aspirational when buying fruit and yogurt. I am not going to eat as many servings as I think I will in the moment, and I don’t want to waste food.

I want to blog more.

I want to spend more time with my friends.

I would like to hurt less and to work less, but I don’t have any idea how to do that right now, except for to keep doing what I’m doing–my exercises, my appointments, my paying down medical debt.

Most importantly, I want to try to fight back more against that awful voice in my head.

I would like to treat myself as well as people who love me do.

I want to remember that every picture of me is a beautiful picture, no matter what I look like, as long as I’m happy in it.

Me and my Lucy, in our pjs
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