Fox News(?)

Who’s Your Source

In the last week, Fox News has been having problems being, well, news.

This Rolling Stone article details several problems, with Fox using images from one city in a story about another and outright altering images to make police look innocent and to make the Seattle protest look scary.

Some of their errors are unintentional, however.

Last Friday, a reporter quoted Reddit, saying the post showed divisions in the Seattle protest.

Except it was a joke.

From Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

In Karlissa’s new book on source use, we have a section about how satire news gets mistaken for real news sometimes.

But we didn’t think a “news” source would fall for such obvious satire.

We would, however, believe it if they called us all “bloody peasants” behind our back while they misrepresented our desire for an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We’re also fairly certain they would totally make Trump king for life on the word of some moistened bint.

[Update: I don’t want to have a whole new post every time Fox alters data, so I’m just going to add examples here.]

Fox News cut Donald Trump out of an infamous picture of Jeffrey Epstein (with their significant others).

Fox News got a defamation lawsuit against Tucker Carlson’s show thrown out after arguing that their audience knows Carlson spews bullshit. The judge agreed it’s bullshit. I contend that some of their audience believes the bullshit, especially since Fox News tells its viewers they’re the only reliable source.

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