An easier way

Politics and other nonsense

Let’s put aside that the woman who sued to discriminate against gays a) wasn’t a wedding website designer b) had not been asked to design a gay wedding website c) violated a Biblical commandment by lying about a request.

I want to focus on her insistence that she shouldn’t have to use “her words” on a gay marriage site.

As someone who has hired site designers, I’ve never asked them for words. How the hell should they know what to say about my topic? They’ve been hired to put banners in the right place, install widgets, import themes, etc.

In other words, she didn’t have to sue anyone to not write anything or create “artwork” for a gay wedding.

All she would need to do is say, “Hey, since I’m a bigot, I couldn’t effectively write anything about love for you. Jesus, as I’m sure you’re aware, was anti-tolerance and pro-judgement. My “original art,” if you wanted any, would likely include images of gays burning in hell that I would pull off the Westboro Baptist Church site. I could definitely still install your plugins, though.”

That would have been a lot easier.

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