This Week

Chronic Pain, Teaching

A week ago, my husband made me go to the ER, due to an injury. They noticed a growth while examining me, and said I need a biopsy (which will happen Tuesday).

I was in so much pain on Monday that I couldn’t really walk, but held my three classes and my office hours over Zoom.

I’ve also been juggling appointments (my primary, my therapist, my allergist, my chiropractor, since I woke up yesterday unable to move my neck).

Getting a med I needed took four not-quick phone calls and two visits to pharmacies.

This is all on the heels of weeks and weeks of extraordinary stress about work, family health issues, and family conflict.

This has definitely made me less sympathetic to a student’s proposal that college instructors should allow students to miss 2-3 classes per term so the students can sleep in.

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  • Eric Nelson May 15, 2024 Link

    Thank goodness your husband was able to persuade you to visit the ER! Your experience with juggling so many appointments and needing to struggle so hard to get the right meds sounds highly frustrating.

    I had been wondering how things were going at your work since you had mentioned the possibility of AI being used to grade students’ work. Sadly, it sounds like the stress levels there have not decreased.

    Hopefully once you’ve had a chance to do some recuperating, you will be able to post a new blog entry here where you truthfully describe an uneventful recovery.

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